A tooth abscess is characterized by a collection of pus that develops as a result of a bacterial infection at the center of a tooth or the area between the gums and tooth. This is a common dental condition that is extremely painful. The collection of pus is made up of dead tissue, live and dead bacteria and white blood cells. If it accumulates in a small area and there is no place for the pus to drain, an abscess in formed.
The more pus accumulates, the more pressure is increased and as a result abscessed tooth is excruciatingly painful. If the infection spreads from the oral cavity and causes swelling in the face and lower jaw, the swollen area can rupture and the pus will drain out of the mouth.
Although the pain may now stop, the infection is still there and treatment is required. If left untreated a tooth abscess can cause serious health complications such as tooth loss, sepsis, infection to the jaw bone and facial soft tissue and mediastinitis. Infection may also spread to other areas of the body and result in pneumonia, a brain abscess or endocarditis.
TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad
TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad