making smile incredible

Genetics and Oral Health

Genetics plays a significant role in oral health, just as it does in many aspects of human health. Certain genetic variations can influence an individual's susceptibility to various oral conditions and diseases. Here are some key aspects of how genetics affect oral health:

Tooth Development: The development of teeth is influenced by genetic factors. Genes regulate the formation, eruption, and positioning of teeth, which can impact the dental alignment and the risk of malocclusions (misalignments of teeth).

Enamel Strength: The quality and strength of tooth enamel are partially determined by genetics. Some people may have stronger enamel, making their teeth more resistant to decay, while others may have weaker enamel, making them more prone to cavities.

Saliva Composition: Saliva helps protect teeth from decay by neutralizing acids and providing minerals that strengthen enamel. Genetic factors can influence the composition of saliva, affecting its ability to protect against dental caries (cavities).

Immune Response: The body's immune response to oral pathogens and bacteria can also be influenced by genetics. Some individuals may have a stronger innate defense against oral infections, while others may be more susceptible.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease: Genetic factors can contribute to an individual's risk of developing periodontal disease. Certain gene variants may lead to an exaggerated immune response, increasing inflammation and the risk of gum disease.

Taste Perception: Taste preferences and sensitivity to certain flavors, like sweetness, are partly determined by genetic factors. These preferences can impact an individual's dietary choices and, consequently, their oral health.

Cleft Lip and Palate: Cleft lip and/or palate are congenital conditions that affect the formation of the upper lip and/or the roof of the mouth. These conditions often have a genetic basis.

It's important to note that while genetics can influence oral health, it is not the sole determinant. Good oral hygiene practices, a balanced diet, and regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining oral health, regardless of one's genetic predisposition.

Dr. Pankti Patel is the Chief Dentist & Diagnostic expert of  Teeth Care Centre. She has extensive knowledge and experience, allowing her to provide comprehensive and personalized care to her patients. Understanding the genetic factors that contribute to oral health can help in the early identification of potential risks and personalized approaches to preventive care and treatment. However, more research is needed in this field to fully comprehend the complex interactions between genetics and oral health.

No Retainers, No Result

Retainers are orthodontic customized devices that are used post orthodontic treatment i.e., when the final phase of teeth straightening is completed. Retainers are made of either wires or clear plastic, so that they can hold the teeth in their position to avoid relapse, i.e., the tendency of the teeth to move back to their original position.

There are two types of retainers:

1.      Fixed Retainers

2.      Removable Retainers

 Fixed Retainers:

Fixed Retainers stay permanently in the oral cavity of a patient. It is bonded by a bonding agent to patients’ teeth. Generally, orthodontists provide fixed retainers in the lower front six teeth to prevent relapse.

 Removable Retainers:

As the name suggests, compared to fixed retainers, these can be removed on their own while eating and brushing and can be worn again by the patient. Removable retainers are Hawley retainers, clear retainers.

a. Hawley retainers: They are traditional retainers made up of wires and acrylic or plastic material.

b. Clear Retainers: They are the modern form of retainers made of just plastic material. E.g.: Essix retainers.

 For how long should the retainers be worn?

 Initially, for one year, the retainers are worn for 22 hours and can be removed only while brushing and eating. After that period, for one year, you will be advised to wear retainers only during nighttime. Later, for a year, it is advised to wear retainers every alternate night. So, to prevent relapse wearing retainers as guided by your orthodontist or dentist is important. It is also advisable to wear the retainers for a lifetime once a week every night to prevent relapse because our teeth are in a continuous physiological migration process i.e., they keep moving slowly all the time,

 How to take care of retainers and oral hygiene?

·         When not wearing retainers, keep the retainers in the provided case only.

·         Don’t put retainers in your pockets.

·         Always remove the retainers as taught and guided by your dentist only.

·         Never bend the retainers.

·         Always clean your retainers with toothpaste and toothbrush only. Never use any cleaning liquids.

·         The retainers should not be washed under hot water.

·         For a fixed retainer, brush and floss regularly, to avoid bacterial buildup.

·         Visit your dentist or orthodontist every 6 months for a routine follow-up.

At Teeth Care Centre, we provide the best and painless treatment for patients. Dr. Nirav Patel, the Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad with the best advanced technology and the best equipment, provides the best clear aligner treatment.

Dental Care during Pregnancy

 Many women experience changes in their oral health during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations and physiological shifts. These changes can increase the risk of certain dental conditions, making regular dental care all the more important. Here are some reasons why dental care is vital during pregnancy:

1. Hormonal changes: Elevated hormone levels, particularly progesterone, can lead to an increased risk of gingivitis (gum inflammation) and periodontal disease. Pregnant women may notice swollen, tender, or bleeding gums, commonly known as pregnancy gingivitis.

2. Pregnancy gingivitis: If left untreated, pregnancy gingivitis can progress to periodontal disease, which has been linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia. Treating gingivitis early can help prevent these complications.

3. Increased Risk of Tooth Decay: Frequent snacking and cravings for sugary foods can contribute to tooth decay. Additionally, morning sickness may expose teeth to stomach acid, which can erode enamel.

4. Pregnancy Tumors: Some women may develop benign growths on their gums, known as pregnancy tumours. While these growths are harmless and usually disappear after giving birth, they can cause discomfort and should be evaluated by a dentist.

 Services Offered by Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital:

Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital is a renowned dental hospital that prioritizes the oral health of expectant mothers. Their specialized services cater to the unique needs and concerns of pregnant women, ensuring a comfortable and safe dental experience. Here are some notable services provided by Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital:

1.       Preventive Care: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential during pregnancy. Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital offers comprehensive preventive care, including thorough examinations, professional cleanings, and personalized oral hygiene instructions.

2.       Gum Disease Management: With their expertise in periodontal care, the best periodontist in Ahmedabad at Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital can diagnose and treat pregnancy gingivitis and gum disease effectively. They provide deep cleanings and gentle, non-surgical gum treatments to promote gum health.

3.       Safe Dental Treatments: Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital follows the highest standards of safety when providing dental treatments to pregnant women. They ensure the use of pregnancy-friendly diagnostic tools, materials, and techniques to minimize any potential risks. TCC follows strict sterilization protocols to prevent cross-contamination and infection.

4.       Education and Counselling: The best dental hospital in Ahmedabad, a team of dental experts offer valuable education and counselling on maintaining proper oral hygiene during pregnancy. They provide guidance on nutrition, dental care routines, and strategies to manage common dental issues experienced during pregnancy.

5.       Emergency Dental Care: In case of dental emergencies, Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital is well-equipped to provide prompt and appropriate care. Whether it's addressing severe toothaches, dental infections, or dental trauma, the best dentists in Ahmedabad offer immediate attention and relief.

 Teeth Care Centre Dental Hospital understands the unique challenges faced by pregnant women and provides exceptional services tailored to their needs. With their expertise and advice, expectant mothers can maintain optimal oral health, ensuring a healthier journey through pregnancy and beyond.

Remember, a healthy smile leads to a healthy pregnancy!


Splint Therapy in Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction

Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) is a common condition affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, leading to pain, discomfort, and limited jaw movement. It can significantly impact one's quality of life, making simple tasks like eating and speaking challenging. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available, and one effective approach is splint therapy.

Understanding Temporomandibular Dysfunction:

Temporomandibular Dysfunction encompasses a range of conditions that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the surrounding muscles responsible for jaw movement. Some common symptoms include jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, limited mouth opening, headaches, and facial muscle tension. The causes of TMD can be multifactorial, including jaw misalignment, bruxism (teeth grinding), stress, muscle tension, and trauma.

What is Splint Therapy?

Splint therapy is a non-invasive treatment approach that involves the use of oral appliances, known as splints or occlusal splints, to help alleviate the symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction. These splints are custom-made for each patient and are typically worn over the teeth to provide support, stability, and pain relief. They are usually made from acrylic materials and can be either worn on the upper or lower arch, depending on the individual's needs.

How Does Splint Therapy Work?

Splints used in TMD treatment serve various purposes, including:

1. Alignment: Splints can help realign the jaw and correct any bite discrepancies that may contribute to TMD symptoms. By promoting proper jaw positioning, splint therapy helps reduce muscle tension and joint stress.

2. Muscle Relaxation: Splints create a physical barrier between the upper and lower teeth, preventing the clenching and grinding associated with TMD. This relaxation of the jaw muscles helps reduce pain and inflammation, allowing the joints to heal.

3. Joint Decompression: Certain types of splints, such as stabilization splints, distribute the biting forces evenly across the teeth, reducing excessive pressure on the temporomandibular joint. This can help alleviate joint pain and discomfort.

4. Habit Awareness: Splints also act as a reminder for patients to avoid harmful habits, such as teeth grinding or clenching, by providing a physical barrier that disrupts these behaviours.

Benefits of Splint Therapy:

Splint therapy has proven to be an effective treatment option for TMD, offering several benefits, including:

1. Pain Relief: By reducing muscle tension, joint stress, and abnormal forces on the TMJ, splint therapy can significantly alleviate pain associated with TMD. This allows patients to regain their ability to eat, speak, and perform daily activities without discomfort.

2. Improved Jaw Function: Splints help restore proper jaw alignment and movement, enabling patients to open their mouths wider, chew more effectively, and speak without limitations.

3. Minimally Invasive: Splint therapy is a non-surgical and non-pharmacological approach to TMD treatment, making it a safe and minimally invasive option for patients. It avoids the potential side effects associated with medications and invasive procedures.

4. Customized Treatment: Each splint is custom-made to suit the individual patient's needs. This personalized approach ensures the best possible fit and effectiveness in addressing their specific TMD symptoms.

Teeth Care Centre, the best dental clinic in Ahmedabad, has equipped the clinic with all the latest and most advanced technology equipment, which reduces human error and gives precise and required results from the treatment. Our main aim is to make every patient pain-free.  
