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Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common facial pain syndrome. It is characterized by a sudden attack of facial pain described as intense, sharp, like an electric-shock, or stabbing. The pain is most commonly felt in the cheekbone, most of the nose, upper lip and upper teeth and, in some people, it also extends to the lower lip, and chin. Pain is usually felt on one side of the face and lasts from a few seconds to two minutes. Trigeminal neuralgia is the most frequently occurring nerve pain disorder.

The trigeminal nerve is the 5th and largest of the cranial nerves. It provides nerve sensation to the face, mouth, and the front of the scalp as well as controlling the muscles involved in chewing.

The average age of onset is between 50 and 70 years old, though it can be seen in younger people as well. The incidence of trigeminal neuralgia gradually increases with age. Almost twice as many women are affected by trigeminal neuralgia as men.

The primary goals of treatment for patients with trigeminal neuralgia include:
Controlling the symptoms.
Relieving severe facial pain.
The surgical treatment options that are available for patients with intractable trigeminal neuralgia that cannot be adequately controlled with medications.

For more visit, TCC

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Metal Dentures

Removable Partial Dentures with cast metal frameworks offer advantages over the conventional dentures commonly used. The frameworks of these dentures are cast to fit the teeth. Since they sit on the teeth, as well as being attached to them, they are extremely stable and retentive. The metal framework does not contact the gums. Thus rarely requires adjustments. Modern frameworks are cast from an extremely strong alloy which can be cast very thin and are much less likely to break than the all plastic variety. They are also much less noticeable to the tongue. The advantage is that sore spots are almost never an issue since neither the framework nor the plastic extensions contact the soft oral tissues with any force. Patients who has TM Joint problems or who are known bruxers are much better off with cast metal partials than with plastic partials.
For more, call +91 78787 TEETH

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Sealant acts as a barrier...

A sealant is a clear shaded plastic material that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (premolars
and molars), where decay occurs most often. This sealant acts as a barrier, protecting the decay prone areas of the tooth from plaque and acid.Each tooth only takes a few minutes to seal.

Children receive significant benefits from sealants, adults can also be at risk for pit and fissure decay and thus be candidates for sealants. Sealants are also recommended even for those who receive topical applications of fluoride and who live in communities with fluoridated water.

When the sealant is applied, finger-like strands penetrate the pits and fissures of the tooth enamel. Although the sealant cannot be seen with the naked eye, the protective effect of these strands continues. As a result, it may be several years before another application of sealant is needed. Reapplication of the sealants will continue the protection against decay and may save the time and expense of having a tooth restored. Sealants will be checked during regular dental visits to determine if reapplication is necessary.

With the sealant deep within the pits and grooves of the enamel surface, normal eating habits can be maintained. Twice a day brushing is very important to maximize the benefits of the sealants.

For more detail contact TCC

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad