making smile incredible

Cosmetic- Smile Makeover

A beautiful radiant smile is the key to anyone’s heart. Your smile is the proof of your amiability and competence.

Maligned, malformed, crooked or yellowish teeth often make you self conscious and bring embarrassment. It’s no secret that a bad smile because of the bad teeth impacts in creating a bad personality and can affect one in various social issues like getting a job, marriage etc.

This is where smile makeover comes to the rescue. A smile makeover not only overhauls your aesthetic issue, but also fixes your overall oral health. 

Teeth Care Centre, our specialized doctors and cosmetic  dentist have successfully treated number of dental defects like discolored teeth, missing teeth, crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth, chipped teeth, gummy smile and misshapen teeth with smile makeover. All our procedures are painless and anxiety free ensuring maximum patient comfort and satisfaction.


Pedodontics- Conscious Sedation


Sedation dentistry is the procedure where medications are used to send the patient in a state of calm and relaxation. These drugs are either inhaled or swallowed or injected, depending upon the type of sedation. Sedation dentistry works as a boon for petrified patients and in cases with long and painful dental procedures.

Sadly, a large number of population feel anxious and fearful while visiting a dentist. Some even have panic attacks at the dental office. This forbids them from getting the treatments they need. Minor dental problem get converted into big complications and results in severe degradation of the oral health because of avoiding dental visits out of fear and nervousness. Sedation dentistry helps patients relax during their dental visits and enables them to get the treatments they deserve. Sedation dentistry also helps in long, complex and conglomerate surgical procedures by making the patient comfortable and relaxed during the treatment with minimal to zero pain sensations.

Teeth Care Centre, we provide the most safest and convenient form of dental sedation, the world’s no.1 Matrx brand of nitrous oxide as conscious sedation. No pills or injections are used. A mask is placed over the nose and nitrous oxide gas is passed through it. As you begin to breathe in the gas, you slowly drift off into a stress-free state. Minimal to zero pain is felt during this phase, and sometimes you may easily fall asleep. But you will be able to respond to the dentist’s command. The effect of the gas wears off as soon as the mask is taken off. You will gain full consciousness immediately. Sedation through nitrous oxide has no side effects and it’s safe for both children and adults. It is most commonly used for those who experience anxiety while undergoing dental treatments. This form of conscious sedation relieves them of all the fear and apprehension. Our chief dentist, Dr Pankti Patel is highly trained and certified to perform conscious sedation, so that you can be assured that you are in safe hands.

With conscious sedation, we strive to render a painless and anxiety free treatment experience for you and your family.
