making smile incredible

What is Halitosis?

Bad breath from the mouth, also known as halitosis, is a common issue that many individuals experience at some point in their lives. Whether it's a fleeting occurrence or a persistent concern, halitosis can have a significant impact on our confidence, social interactions, and lifestyle. Halitosis refers to the presence of foul-smelling breath that comes from the mouth. It's a phenomenon that can arise due to various factors, and its intensity can range from mild to severe. While occasional bad breath is normal and can result from consuming pungent foods or waking up in the morning (morning breath), chronic halitosis may signal underlying oral health issues or systemic concerns.

Reasons for Halitosis:

·         Bacteria Buildup: The human mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can accumulate on the teeth, gums, and tongue. These bacteria release sulfur compounds as they break down food particles, leading to an unpleasant smell.

·         Poor Oral Hygiene: Irregular or insufficient brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning can allow bacteria and food debris to remain in the mouth, leading to bad breath.

·         Foods with Strong Odors: Consuming foods like garlic, onions, and spices can lead to temporary bad breath, as these substances release aromatic compounds that stay in the mouth and are later exhaled.

·         Unchecked Tooth Decay: If there are any decayed teeth present for a long time, it can also cause bad breath.

·         Dry Mouth (Xerostomia): Saliva plays a crucial role in washing away bacteria and neutralizing acids. A dry mouth, often caused by medications or certain medical conditions, reduces saliva production and can result in halitosis.

·         Gum Problems: Gingivitis and periodontitis are gum conditions caused by bacterial infections. These infections produce foul-smelling substances that contribute to bad breath.

·         Tobacco Use: Smoking or chewing tobacco not only leaves a distinct Odor in the mouth but also increases the risk of gum disease, further exacerbating halitosis.

·         Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as respiratory infections, sinus issues, diabetes, and digestive disorders can lead to halitosis by releasing volatile chemicals or affecting the body's ability to process certain compounds.

How to prevent it:

·         Maintain Oral Hygiene: Establish a thorough oral care routine by brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from the tongue's surface.

·         Stay Hydrated: Drinking water helps stimulate saliva production, which assists in rinsing away bacteria and food particles.

·         Choose Proper Foods: Opt. for fresh fruits and vegetables, which can help cleanse the mouth naturally. Avoiding strong-smelling foods can also help prevent temporary bad breath.

·         Regular Dental Visits: Scheduled dental checkups allow professionals to identify and address any oral health issues before they contribute to bad breath.

·         Quit Tobacco: If you smoke or use tobacco products, quitting can significantly improve your breath and overall oral health.

·         Treating Underlying Conditions: If your halitosis is linked to a medical condition, seeking appropriate medical treatment can help alleviate the issue.

Why Teeth Care Centre?

Teeth Care Centre, the best dental clinic in Ahmedabad, cares about its’ patients, so we always give them the best and unbiased advice needed. Dr. Pankti Patel, the chief Dentist of TCC, who has done her masters in Oral Diagnosis does the complete oral evaluation of a patient’s oral cavity and guides you further for better oral hygiene protocols, required for you.

Halitosis, though often regarded as an embarrassing inconvenience, is a common condition that can be managed effectively with proper oral hygiene, a balanced diet, and regular dental visits. By understanding the factors that contribute to bad breath and taking proactive steps to address them, you can regain your confidence and enjoy fresher breath and improved oral health. Remember, the key lies in consistent self-care and seeking professional guidance when needed.


Are Invisalign Aligners the right choice for you?

A bright, confident, and glamorous smile can light up a room and leave a lasting impression. However, the journey to achieving that perfect smile has often involved cumbersome metal braces that come with their own set of challenges. Enter Invisalign – a modern, discreet, and innovative solution that is transforming the world of orthodontics.

For many years, traditional metal braces were the go-to solution for correcting dental misalignments. While effective, metal braces came with their fair share of inconveniences. From dietary restrictions to uncomfortable adjustments and aesthetic concerns, they left many individuals seeking a more appealing and user-friendly alternative. This is where Invisalign aligners stepped in, changing the game.

What are Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that utilizes a series of clear, custom-made aligners to gradually shift teeth into their desired positions as required. These aligners are crafted from medical-grade, BPA-free plastic, which is FDA-approved, making them virtually invisible when worn. Invisalign aligners are removable, flexible, and easy to wear.

How can you get Invisalign done and how do they work?

1.       Consultation: The Invisalign journey begins with a consultation. Through advanced imaging technology, including X-rays, photos, and 3D scans, the orthodontist creates a digital representation of your current dental structure.

2.       Custom Treatment Plan: Using this digital model, the orthodontist maps out a personalized treatment plan. This plan outlines the gradual movement of your teeth and estimates the length of the treatment with the help of cephalometric analysis, which is the most crucial step in the entire treatment planning.

3.       Aligner Fabrication: Based on the treatment plan, a series of custom aligners is created using advanced 3D printing technology. Each set of aligners is designed to exert specific forces on your teeth, gradually guiding them into their new desired positions.

4.       Wearing the Aligners: Patients wear each set of aligners for approximately 7 to 10 days as guided by the orthodontist. Aligners are meant to be worn for about 20-22 hours per day, only removed for eating, drinking (except for water), brushing, and flossing.

5.       Transitioning Between Aligners: As your teeth begin to shift, you will move on to the next set of aligners in the series. Each subsequent set is slightly different from the previous one, bringing you closer to your desired smile with each change.

6.       Periodic Check-ups: Throughout the treatment process, you'll have regular check-ups with your orthodontist to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

7.       Achieving Your New Smile: Once you've completed the series of aligners, you'll likely be prescribed a retainer to maintain your newly aligned smile. This step is crucial to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

Advantages of Invisalign over braces:

·         Comfort: The smooth plastic material of Invisalign aligners reduces the likelihood of mouth irritation, ulcers, pain, and discomfort often associated with traditional braces.

·         Improved Confidence: The nearly invisible appearance of Invisalign aligners means you can confidently engage in social and professional interactions without feeling self-conscious about your orthodontic treatment.

·         Removability: Invisalign aligners can be easily removed, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions and to maintain excellent oral hygiene.

·         Predictable Results: Advanced technology enables orthodontists to precisely plan and predict the outcome of Invisalign treatment, giving you a clear vision of your future smile.

·         Less Frequent Appointments: Unlike traditional braces that require frequent adjustments, Invisalign check-ups are typically spaced out over longer intervals.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

While Invisalign aligners offer remarkable benefits, they may not be suitable for every orthodontic issue. Simple to moderate cases of misalignment, gaps, and crowding can often be effectively addressed with Invisalign. However, complex cases might require additional treatments along with Invisalign. Consulting with an experienced orthodontist will help determine if Invisalign is the right choice for your specific needs.


Choosing Invisalign is an investment in both your appearance and confidence. It's a decision that takes into account your lifestyle, commitment, and orthodontic needs. If you're ready to embrace a discreet, comfortable, and effective orthodontic solution, consulting with an orthodontist will set you on the path toward your desired smile. At Teeth Care Centre, Dr. Nirav Patel the Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad and the pioneer of establishing clear aligners in Gujarat, guides you through each and every step of your Invisalign journey, through regular follow-ups and guidance with the help of the latest technology and his commitment towards perfection.