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Sugary medicines harm kids teeth
Sugar content of many child medications presents a real problem for oral health. For many medicines given orally, such as syrups to children, there are sugar-free alternatives available which will not have adverse effects on the dentition.

Doctors and healthcare professionals should prescribe sugar-free liquid medicines or medicines in tablet form if possible. If the medicine is only available in a sugar-containing liquid formulation, advice should be given to the child's parents and carers.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Brushing teeth boosts sperm count

Brushing your teeth twice a day can boost your sperm count.
That's according to the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) who have advised reaching for a toothbrush after research found that infertile men are far more likely to suffer from gum disease.

more than half the men with low sperm counts or no sperm at all displayed developed gum disease.

Gum disease has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and strokes and now infertility.

half the men suffered from gingivitis, and two thirds of these men had low sperm counts. Gingivitis causes inflammation characterised by bleeding gums and soreness.

One third of the men suffered periodontal disease, which affects the tissues supporting the teeth and can lead to tooth loss. Half of the men with no sperm count had chronic periodontal disease.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

First ever gum disease vaccine underway

A vaccine is being developed that will treat periodontitis – and could be available to dentists if human trials are a success.

Australian drug makers CSL say the vaccine in is the advanced stages of development and is sealing a deal with a global vaccine maker that would initially support further and expanded research.

An experimental vaccine is being trialled in mice and, if successful, will proceed to clinical trials in humans within three to four years.

‘CSL is pleased to advise of an agreement with Sanofi Pasteur to undertake a funded program to develop a vaccine for the treatment of periodontal disease caused by Porphyromonas gingivalis.'

research could also now be expanded to incorporate an antibiotic gel, to be developed alongside a vaccine, for the treatment of those with existing infection.

chief of the CRC, said the development of specific products to kill off the bacteria or prevent the gum infection would be a significant oral health breakthrough.

He said: ‘Periodontitis is a serious disease and dentists face a major challenge treating it, because most people will not know they have the disease until it's too late.'

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad