making smile incredible

Foods That Keep Your Smile Beautiful

Popularly known as the "white smile diet", it includes a lot of citrus fruits and vegetables. But like every other diet, there are restrictions if you want to use the white diet to brighten your pearly whites. Avoid drinking dark syrup sodas, red wine and coffees as they tend to stain your teeth very quickly.

Here's a list of foods which will help keep your teeth beautiful:

Rub strawberries on your teeth and watch them shine. They naturally whiten teeth. However, you need to thoroughly clean your teeth after that, or it could cause tooth decay and enamel erosion too.
A paste comprising dried orange peel and bay leaves will leave your teeth white and bright.
Occasional use of lime juice on your teeth works well too.
Vegetables like carrots, cauliflower and other crunchy fruits and vegetables are a great choice to brighten your teeth because the natural fibers in these with the saliva present in your mouth help get rid of food particles and bacteria.
Apple cider vinegar is a great whitening agent for your teeth too. You can choose to gargle it or use baking soda to make a paste and brush it on your teeth.
However, don't expect instant results with the white smile diet.Professional teeth whitening treatments are the best solution for quick results.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Tooth decay can be prevented by using straw

Drinking Soft drinks increases the risk of tooth decay as it damages the tooth enamel due to the high content of acid, sugar and starch which increases risk of tooth decay which cannot be repaired if affected.

Ways by which tooth decay due to fizzy drinks can be reduced.

• Using a straw can reduce the risk of enamel damage, make sure the straw is positioned to the inside of the mouth which reduces the contact between soda

• Don’t brush your teeth immediately after a drink as the acid in the drink damages the tooth but you can rinse your mouth.

• Avoid holding the drink for a long time in the mouth swallow the drink as soon as you take it.

• Use a fluoride containing toothpaste.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Mouth Ulcer

Mouth Ulcer is a very common oral lesion. Mouth ulcers tend to afflict women more than men and people less than 45 years. Mouth ulcers occur most frequently among 16-25 year old.

Trauma, Minor physical injuries, Chemical injuries, Smoking, Infection (Viral, Bacterial, Fungal), Immunodeficiency, Allergy, Dietary

Oral cancers can lead to ulceration as the center of the lesion loses blood supply and necroses

Medical conditions associated with mouth ulcers
The following medical conditions are associated with mouth ulcers:
Behçet's disease, Bullous pemphigoid, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, Gingivostomatitis, Leukoplakia, oral lichen planus, Lupus erythematosus, Neutropenia, Oral thrush, Ulcerative colitis, Infectious mononucleosis

Ulcers persisting longer than three weeks may require the attention of a dental practitioner

For more detail call TCC

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad