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What Is a Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate?

A cleft lip is an upper lip that is split. Like a cleft palate, it is caused by the failure of the two sides of the face to unite properly while the baby is in the womb. Although no one knows exactly why clefts happen, they have a tendency to run in families. Hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and certain drugs when used during pregnancy are possible causes.

A cleft palate occurs when there is a direct opening between the palate, or roof of the mouth, and the floor of the nose. During pregnancy, the baby's upper jaw fails to close as it should, leaving a gap. A cleft palate is a more serious condition than a cleft lip, although both require surgery in order to be corrected.

Eating, breathing, speech and psychological problems are some of the difficulties confronted by the child with a cleft lip or palate. To correct the condition, you will likely work with a team involving a plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat specialist), general dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon.

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TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Replace Missing Teeth With Implants

The use of dental implants to replace teeth lost to an accident, gum diseases or tooth decay is becoming popular.

To place an implant, Implantologist open the gum to expose the jawbone and then drills a small hole in the bone for the metal cylinder that serves as the implant. All this is done when the patient is under local anaesthesia. It takes three months [pain less] for the area to heal and for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.

Patient may undergo a second procedure after three months, in which an abutment is attached or screwed down into the implant.

In the final step, the dentist attaches a realistic-looking artificial tooth to the implant. The entire process takes about four months.

A big advantage of the method is that an implant acts as a substitute for the roots of a natural tooth.

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TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

What to Do When a Tooth Falls after an Accident?

The accidental loss of a tooth is a serious situation but it can be resolved if we act quickly. A tooth that fell out must be re-implanted in its socket within 60 minutes after the accident for best chances for it to remain in position.
Instructions to follow: If the tooth is dirty, it is important that the patient cleans it with his own saliva by putting it in his mouth. The tooth should then be removed from the mouth and the patient should spit all blood and dirt. While spitting hard, you can remove the blood clot that could have formed in the socket, which can make the re-implantation of the tooth easier. When the tooth is clean enough, it should be quickly put in the socket. The more it is done quickly, the better are the chances of success.

If the tooth cannot be repositioned in its place for one reason or another, then it should be transported to the dentist as soon as possible. There are several ways to do so.

The tooth should be cleaned with saliva as described above. The person who had the accident must then keep the tooth in his or her mouth, either under the tongue or between the cheek and back teeth, of course without chewing on it. If it’s a young child under the age of eight who has lost his tooth, it should not be kept in his mouth because he can swallow it. After cleaning with saliva, the tooth can rather be put it in a saline solution (water and salt) or in a cup of fresh milk, preferably at room temperature.

If the tooth re-implantation does not work, it is preferable to extract the tooth and have it replaced.

In case of emergency call +91 78787TEETH

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad