making smile incredible

Is Root Canal Treatment Possible With Lasers ?

Everyone has experienced tooth problem of some sort atleast once in their lifetime. Most of these problems arise due to infection in the tooth. Major tooth damage leads to its extraction , while moderate and minor damage is often treated by undergoing root canal treatment . Root Canal treatment plays a major role in saving the affected teeth . Majority of the infected tooth portion is removed during root canal treatment and the nerve connected to the infected tooth is removed . As a result the tooth structure is preserved from further damage. But patients are often taken aback on hearing about term  'root canal treatment . This is because of some sort of pain and discomfort caused during the procedure.

The traditional method of root canal involves the use of files and drills during the treatment to remove the infected tissue. The sound of the drills usually scares the patient and creates a sense of discomfort .But with advances in technology, laser is incorporated in the root canal treatment . The use of lasers has proved to be better choice than drills and files. Laser is found to be more bactericidal than the latter two. The laser light gets rid of all the debris and infectious portion with greater accuracy and thus helps in preserving the tooth structure. It is less invasive procedure and therefore causes less bleeding and inflammation. This reduces the overall patient discomfort and is therefore more preferable than the traditional method. So next time if you advised to go for a root canal treatment , don't hesitate, just go for it. As it is does not cause pain , it 'relieves' it.

Why Teeth Care Centre ?
Teeth Care Centre is one of the best dental clinic in  Ahmedabad .We have a team of 15 experienced doctors specialized in different branches of dentistry . Our chief dentist , Dr.Pankti Patel over 10 years of experience and expertises in cosmetic as well as restorative procedures . We are known to deliver the best dental service in town . So book your appointment now !
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Do you have a Gummy Smile ?

You have a gummy smile if large portion of your gums is evident when you smile or laugh. This often leads to lower self esteem amongst individuals with such smiles. It not only makes them self conscious but also hinders their self confidence to a great extent.
 Gummy smile is caused by a number of reasons like abnormal teeth eruption , improper development of upper jaw, short upper lip,enlarged gingiva or hyperactivity of muscles of upper lip.

Fortunately ,there are a number of treatment options available which are a boon to the people with gummy smiles. The treatment option however depends on the underlying cause.Some of the treatment options available are as follows
  1) Gingivectomy : This procedure involves removal of excessive portions of the gums and recontouring the gingival margins
 2)Botox Injections: Sometimes the excessive elevation of the upper lip leads to the exposure of larger portion of gums while smiling or laughing. Such problems are resolved by giving botox injections in the upper lip to reduce the elevation of elevator muscles of upper lip and wing of the nose.This procedure is however temporary and lasts upto 3 to 6 months
 3)Dental Lasers: This is the best treatment option available for people afraid of going under the knife. It uses lasers for recontouring the gingival margins .

Why Teeth Care Centre?
We at Teeth Care Centre have a team of best doctors specialized in various branches of dentistry . Our chief dentist, Dr .Pankti Patel is rendering dental treatments in Ahmedabad since past 10 years . We are known for our hospitality and providing most advanced dental care to our clients in Ahmedabad . To know more about us visit http ://