making smile incredible

Choose a Specialist Dentist For Your Specific Oral Problem

A dentist is one of the most important persons who will help you in keeping your teeth free of problems and ailments. However it is also important that you choose a good dentist so that he is able to diagnose your problem correctly and cure it effectively.

Nowadays there are various options in which dentists can specialize and some of them are:
  • Orthodontists - who help in fixing the teeth line and helping patients in having a set of straight teeth and also fix misaligned jaws.
  • Endodontics - this is a type of dentistry where the dentist focuses on the root canals and any surgery related to it. Your doctor will also deal with any tissue related problem around the root of the tooth.
  • Pediatric Dentistry - these are dentists who specialize in children's dental care and even infants who are teething can also visit them for any type of problems.
  • Prosthodontics - this type of dentists specializes in prosthetics which covers teeth or bone implants in the oral cavity and the jaw area.
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - this type of oral surgery is required when one needs to treat injuries, jaw line malfunctions, or any other diseases occur in the neck or jaw area. They also help in treating the bone and tissue related problems.
  • Public Health Dentistry - some dental workers work for community organizations and help in preventing dental diseases and create awareness about dental health.
  • Oral Pathology - this is the branch of dental treatment where they take x-rays and perform other tests to ascertain what kind of treatment the patient requires.
If you are having oral problems, the first thing would be to visit your family dentist. He will help you in diagnosing the problem, and if required, he will refer to any specialist.TCC provides all specialist dentist under one roof.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Mouth Breathing Can Cause Major Health Problems

Children whose mouth breathing goes untreated may suffer from abnormal facial and dental development, such as long, narrow faces and mouths, gummy smiles, gingivitis and crooked teeth. The poor sleeping habits that result from mouth breathing can adversely affect growth and academic performance.In addition, mouth breathing can cause poor oxygen concentration in the bloodstream, which can cause high blood pressure, heart problems, sleep apnea and other medical issues.

Call : +91 93 777 TEETH

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Make your braces colorful...

Dental braces are special devices which are used to repair minor tooth and jaw problems. Usually used on small kids, adults can also profit from them. The braces are generally used for several years before they're taken off and replaced by a retainer. Though they are not meant to be cosmetic, you can personalize the devices by choosing different braces colors.

Once you get dental braces you needn't be weary of having the colors changed out. Your dentist can easily switch out your O-rings to put in new ones in during the visits where he will be tightening up your dental braces. Though, if you intend on changing the colors let the dentist's office know beforehand to be sure that they have the hues you want.
Find out from your Dentist what hues are available at their office. Most will keep the usual yellows, reds, and blues in stock. Several Dentists will even have neons and glow in the dark braces available. Since you do not have to pick just one color, imagine how 2 or 3 hues will go together prior to choosing. Some practices even have handy color selectors which let you see how colors will look when put together.
Contact TCC for colorful braces