Tooth ache is supposed to be one of the most excruciating pain. Is it justifiable to subject a woman who is about to experience the labour pain to dental pain also? Gynecologists and Obstetricians need to consider this aspect with required seriousness and refer each one of the expecting mothers for routine dental care. Many a common man is not aware of the importance of the regular Dental Check-up and it is our ethical duty to educate them.
Now there is evidence that serious problems can be faced by mother and baby if mouth of pregnant mother is infected. Mouth infection in pregnant females can lead to :
-Premature Birth and low birth weight of babies
-Possibility of abortion in First Trimester
-Possibility for mother to develop gestational diabetes
TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad
-Premature Birth and low birth weight of babies
-Possibility of abortion in First Trimester
-Possibility for mother to develop gestational diabetes
TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad