making smile incredible

What to choose- pfm crown or zirconia crown??

Crown- crowns are fixed prosthesis. if your tooth is cracked or has a decay dental crown can help to restore it.

P.F.M crowns- porcelain fused metal crowns are those crowns in which upper layer is made up of porcelain and inner layer is of metal they stick together to form crown. Metal is there to give strength to the crown. It require minimum expertise to place P.F.M crowns they have structural durability but they show black visible line at gingival margin which is not that bad in posteriors but they do consider not good in anterior and these crown cheap off easily but that is repairable also. P.F.M crowns requires more crown cutting in comparison to zirconia . in P.F.M crowns marginal leakage means saliva or food is going beneath the crown producing tooth sensitivity. But they are budget friendly

Zirconia Crowns- zirconia crowns are more resistant to masticatory forces and are highly corrosion free.  Least reduction of tooth is required. Zirconia is a natural metal found in the nature.  Zirconia crowns blends in with the natural teeth in aesthetics. In zirconia crowns we can create enamel translucency as natural tooth but the major drawback of zirconia crowns that beneath tooth decay can’t be detected at once .for that we have to remove crown. In zirconia crowns least tooth sensitivity found because they are made by digital technology and they are extremely precise. least post operative time required to deliver the tooth to patient .plaque didn’t get adhere on crown surface because of their smoothness.  

In teeth care centre we use highly efficenct materials and instruments and teeth care centre is highly equipped with latest technology. dr. Pankti Patel,l our chief dentist has over of decade experience in cosmetic dentistry. in Ahmedabad, our clinic delivers world class facility to people. Patient satisfaction is our utmost priority.