making smile incredible

Gum Depigmentation



Gum depigmentation: It is unique procedure which allows you to change or improve the natural color of the gum tissues surrounding your teeth resulting in perfectly healthy and natural coral pink color gums across your entire smile. Gum depigmentation is also known as gum whitening /gum bleaching which removes a thin top layer of the gum tissue, destroying the cells that produce melanin (responsible for dark color gums).

Hyper-pigmentation may be genetic or induced.  It is commonly seen among people from certain ethnic backgrounds, although this is not always the case. Dark gums can also be caused by chronic smoking, certain medications and an old restoration such as silver filling that seep into the gum tissues and tarnish the gums locally. In most cases they are completely healthy, but their appearance can easily be fixed by depigmentation procedure by experienced dental surgeon.

For gum whitening procedure, the individual must be free from gum problems.

A healthy gum, responds positively towards whitening treatment for gums with reduced chances of discomfort and quicker healing in comparison to infected gums.

The screening for these conditions prior to performing the gum bleaching procedure is recommended.

LONGEVITY OF GUM DE-PIGMENTATION: - Most gum whitening / gum lightening / gum bleaching treatments can last for your entire lifetime sometimes it is temporary as per one's condition! It’s a great way to permanently improve the appearance of dark gums without having to use follow up creams or gels. Your results will depend on the type of treatment used by your dentist.

Gum whitening is performed @Teeth Care Centre by periodontist with Biolase Lasers, painless treatment, less traumatic and faster healing. Being the pioneer in cosmetic dental procedure, we know the importance of having those pink and spotless looking gums for the alluring smile.
