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Why flossing is so important for healthy gums?


ELIMINATE THE PLAQUE: -Flossing your teeth every day can elevate your oral hygiene and impact your bodily health, too. Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. Some are good bacteria and others are bad bacteria and it is part of everyday life. Goal is to keep the harmful one to minimal level. These harmful bacteria can mix with food & stick to your teeth in the form of plaque. When left unchecked, plaque hardens to form tartar; a hard substance that only a dental professional can remove. Flossing can help reduce the plaque build-up in your mouth. Your toothbrush is unable to reach in the tight spaces between your teeth, but floss specializes in this task. When you floss, you eliminate plaque from these hard-to-reach areas and help prevent tartar from forming.

REDUCTION IN CAVITIES: -Reducing the plaque in your mouth leads to a reduction in your risk of cavities, as well. When you floss, you scrape the plaque from between your teeth so the bacteria are unable to consume sugars and produce their enamel-damaging acids. Brushing can help the visible surfaces of your teeth, but you need to floss to reduce cavities from forming between your teeth.

PREVENTION OF GUM DISEASES: -Flossing is a critical component of having healthy gums. Plaque and tartar usually form around and below the gum line, where toothbrush bristles are unable to reach. This plaque can inflame your gums and even lead to gum disease without proper hygiene. So flossing helps in prevention of the gums from plaque formation and further irritation.

NO BAD BREATH: -Bad breath is a common problem for many people, but flossing is one of the best ways to reduce bad breath. When you eat, food particles can become stuck between your teeth. This can cause your breath to have a particular odor that will only get worse as the food particles start decaying.

BETTERMENT OF OVERALL HEALTH: -Some scientists and health professionals have observed a connection between dental and heart health. Many harmful bacteria present in mouth causing serious heart diseases. This could mean practicing good oral hygiene —twice brushing, tongue cleaning including flossing — can help keep your heart and body healthier.

How many times flossing is recommended: - Flossing should be performed daily in the morning and at night, it can be done with the help of prefabricated floss or from the loop. Flossing should not be done vigorously otherwise it may hurt your gums causing bleeding, sore gums and recession. The floss should be smoothly placed between each tooth and now move the floss up and down against both sides of the tooth. Avoid pressing the floss into your gums as this can cause damage.

@Teeth Care Centre, the gum specialist-periodontist, performs the cleaning of the teeth by ultrasonic units and also educate the importance of flossing in daily basis for utmost health of gums. We at TCC always  advocate the words- healthy mouth, healthy body.
