making smile incredible

No Retainers, No Result

Retainers are orthodontic customized devices that are used post orthodontic treatment i.e., when the final phase of teeth straightening is completed. Retainers are made of either wires or clear plastic, so that they can hold the teeth in their position to avoid relapse, i.e., the tendency of the teeth to move back to their original position.

There are two types of retainers:

1.      Fixed Retainers

2.      Removable Retainers

 Fixed Retainers:

Fixed Retainers stay permanently in the oral cavity of a patient. It is bonded by a bonding agent to patients’ teeth. Generally, orthodontists provide fixed retainers in the lower front six teeth to prevent relapse.

 Removable Retainers:

As the name suggests, compared to fixed retainers, these can be removed on their own while eating and brushing and can be worn again by the patient. Removable retainers are Hawley retainers, clear retainers.

a. Hawley retainers: They are traditional retainers made up of wires and acrylic or plastic material.

b. Clear Retainers: They are the modern form of retainers made of just plastic material. E.g.: Essix retainers.

 For how long should the retainers be worn?

 Initially, for one year, the retainers are worn for 22 hours and can be removed only while brushing and eating. After that period, for one year, you will be advised to wear retainers only during nighttime. Later, for a year, it is advised to wear retainers every alternate night. So, to prevent relapse wearing retainers as guided by your orthodontist or dentist is important. It is also advisable to wear the retainers for a lifetime once a week every night to prevent relapse because our teeth are in a continuous physiological migration process i.e., they keep moving slowly all the time,

 How to take care of retainers and oral hygiene?

·         When not wearing retainers, keep the retainers in the provided case only.

·         Don’t put retainers in your pockets.

·         Always remove the retainers as taught and guided by your dentist only.

·         Never bend the retainers.

·         Always clean your retainers with toothpaste and toothbrush only. Never use any cleaning liquids.

·         The retainers should not be washed under hot water.

·         For a fixed retainer, brush and floss regularly, to avoid bacterial buildup.

·         Visit your dentist or orthodontist every 6 months for a routine follow-up.

At Teeth Care Centre, we provide the best and painless treatment for patients. Dr. Nirav Patel, the Best Orthodontist in Ahmedabad with the best advanced technology and the best equipment, provides the best clear aligner treatment.