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Is Tongue Cleaning Necessary?

It is always said that our tongue is not only a paradise for tastebuds, but also a habitat for bacteria, toxins, and food debris. Often, when we think about, maintaining oral hygiene, only brushing teeth comes to our minds. But maintaining oral hygiene is much more than just brushing your teeth. It also includes Tongue cleaning, flossing, and using mouthwash, which is generally overlooked. Tongue Cleaning not only improves our oral hygiene but is effective in improving our overall health.

What is Tongue Cleaning?

Tongue Cleaning, also known as tongue brushing or tongue scrapping is gently removing the layer created on the surface of the tongue which has accumulated lots and lots of bacteria and food debris, with the help of a tongue scrapper or tongue brush.

Methods of Tongue Cleaning:

1)      Tongue Scrapper: A Tongue Scrapper is a small, flexible tool with a rounded edge, made with metal or plastic, used to scrape the formed layer on the surface of the tongue gently. It is glided gently on the surface of the tongue from the back of the tongue to the tip of the tongue until the tongue is clean.

2)      Tongue Brush: Some toothbrushes have a tongue cleaning feature on the back of their toothbrush heads, which can lean the tongue. They aren’t as effective as the tongue scrappers, but can still remove the bacteria from the tongue.

3)      Tongue Cleaning Gel: These are specially formulated gels or pastes which have antibacterial properties to clean the tongue surfaces.

Why is Tongue Cleaning Important?

·         Freshens Breath: The build-up on the tongue surface contains bacteria, which is the main cause of Bad Breath (Halitosis). By regularly cleaning your tongue, the foul odor can be significantly reduced and the bad breath problem will subside eventually.

·         Better Taste Sensation: An unclean tongue can hinder your taste experience. By removing the bacterial layer from the tongue, the taste buds can function properly.

·         Improved Oral Health: By Cleaning your tongue regularly, we destroy the habitat of bacteria and reduce food accumulation in our oral cavity, resulting in better oral health and reduced oral hygiene problems.

·         Enhanced Digestion: As said earlier, Cleaning the tongue has overall health benefits. As our tongue has tastebuds, the digestion process starts in our mouth itself. So, if the tongue is clean from bacteria and food debris there will be proper food digestion leading to better health.

Incorporating Tongue Cleaning into Your Routine:

·         Make it a Habit: Incorporate tongue cleaning into your morning and evening oral hygiene routine.

·         Be Gentle: The tongue is sensitive, so avoid aggressive scraping or brushing, as it may cause discomfort or even minor injuries.

·         Rinse Afterward: After tongue cleaning, make sure to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash to remove any remaining debris.

·         Replace Your Tools: If you're using a tongue scraper or tongue brush, replace it regularly, just like you would with your toothbrush, to maintain cleanliness.

Tongue Cleaning or Scraping is an essential step in maintaining oral hygiene. By Dedicating a few extra minutes to yourself daily, you can save yourself from many unusual health problems. Dr. Pankti Patel, the Chief Dentist of Teeth Care Centre, the Best Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad, believes that maintaining oral hygiene is the key to your overall health. Dr. Pankti Patel, who specializes in Oral Diagnosis and Medicine always guides all of her patients in how to have better oral health for themselves.