making smile incredible

Dental Care in Special Children

Ensuring good dental health is crucial for everyone, and this includes children with special needs. Children with special needs, such as Autism, Down syndrome, Cerebral palsy, or developmental delays, may require extra attention and care when it comes to their dental hygiene.

Challenges to be faced by a special child:

1.       Sensory Sensitivities: Many special kids have sensory sensitivities, making them uncomfortable with unfamiliar sensations in their mouths, such as toothbrushes or dental instruments.

2.       Communication Difficulties: Children with speech and communication challenges may struggle to express pain or discomfort during dental issues, making early intervention difficult.

3.       Medications: Some medications can affect dental health, leading to issues like dry mouth, gum problems, or tooth decay.

4.       Behavioural Challenges: Behavioural issues can make it challenging to maintain a regular dental care routine.

5.       Increased Risk of Dental Issues: Individuals with Down syndrome often have smaller mouths, crowded teeth, and misaligned jaws, which can lead to dental problems.

6.       Gum Disease: They are more prone to gum disease (periodontal disease), which can result in tooth loss if left untreated.

7.       Tooth Decay: Due to difficulties with oral hygiene and diet, they may be at a higher risk of tooth decay.

8.       Anxiety and Fear: Anxiety related to unfamiliar environments and situations can exacerbate dental visits for children with autism.

9.       Rigidity: Some children with autism may have a strong preference for routine and may become distressed if their daily routine is disrupted.

How to manage?

·         Start Early: Begin oral care routines as early as possible. Establishing good habits from a young age can make dental care more manageable as the child grows.

·         Choose the Right Dentist: Seek out a pediatric dentist experienced in treating children with special needs. They will have the expertise and a more accommodating environment.

·         Sensory-Friendly Dental Care: Opt for toothbrushes with soft bristles and introduce them gradually to the child. Make sure the toothpaste has a mild flavor and is safe to swallow.

·         Visual Schedules: Use visual schedules or social stories to prepare the child for dental visits. Knowing what to expect can reduce anxiety.

·         Regular Dental Visits: Stick to a regular dental check-up schedule. This helps catch issues early and allows the child to become more familiar with the dental office.

·         Oral Health Education: Simplify oral health education using visual aids or videos that cater to the child's learning style.

·         Family Involvement: Encourage family members or caregivers to actively participate in the dental care routine and support the individual's oral hygiene at home.

·         Family Involvement: Encourage family members or caregivers to actively participate in the dental care routine and support the individual's oral hygiene at home.

·         Behaviour Management Techniques: Work with the dentist to develop behavior management techniques, such as desensitization or positive reinforcement.

·         Customized Dental Care: Tailor dental care to the child's specific needs. This might involve shorter appointments or the use of sedation or anesthesia when necessary.

·         Home Care Routine: Develop a consistent home care routine that includes brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Be patient and provide gentle guidance.

·         Healthy Diet: Encourage a balanced diet that limits sugary snacks and drinks to prevent tooth decay.

·         Communication: Establish a way for the child to signal discomfort or pain during oral care. This can be crucial for early intervention.

Why choose Teeth Care Centre?

Teeth Care Centre, the best dental clinic in Ahmedabad, knows that every special child is unique, and needs special treatment. So, to address their issues, we have the best pediatric dentists in Ahmedabad to attend them. Our whole team of pediatric doctors, under the guidance and supervision, of our chief dentist Dr. Pankti Patel, attends and provides treatment to special children, by understanding and acknowledging their needs and problems.

Dental care for special children may require going beyond the bare minimum, extra effort, patience, and understanding, but it is essential for their overall health and well-being. By starting early, finding the right dentist, and using specialized techniques, you can help your child with special needs maintain a healthy smile and a good attitude toward dental care. Remember that each child is unique, so it's important to be flexible and adapt various ways to meet their specific needs. With the right approach, dental care can become a manageable and even enjoyable part of their daily routine.


How does oral piercing damage oral health?

Oral piercing is a form of body modification that involves inserting jewellery, such as rings, studs, or barbells, into various parts of the mouth, such as the tongue, lip, cheek, or uvula. These piercings are often done for aesthetic reasons as a means of self-expression and personal style.

These piercings are usually performed by professional piercers who have experience and training in such procedures. The procedure involves using a sterilized needle to create a hole through the chosen area, followed by the insertion of jewellery.


1.     Tongue Piercing: This involves piercing the tongue horizontally or vertically, typically through the midline. It is one of the most popular forms of oral piercing.

2.     Lip Piercing: Lip piercings can be done in various locations, including the lower lip (labret piercing), upper lip (Monroe piercing), or either side of the lower lip (snake bite piercing).

3.     Cheek Piercing: Also known as dimple piercings, cheek piercings involve placing jewellery through the cheeks. These piercings are less common than tongue or lip piercings.

4.     Uvula Piercing: Uvula piercing is a less common form of oral piercing where the jewellery is inserted through the uvula, the small, dangling structure at the back of the throat.

While these piercings can be visually eye-capturing, it's important to be aware of the potential risks they pose to your dental health.


·       Tooth Damage: One of the most significant risks associated with oral piercings is dental damage. The jewellery can come into contact with teeth when speaking, eating, or sleeping, leading to chips, cracks, or even tooth fractures over time.

·       Excessive Salivation: Some individuals with tongue piercings may experience increased salivation, which can be uncomfortable and interfere with daily activities.

·       Gum Irritation: The constant friction between oral jewellery and the gums can cause irritation, leading to gum recession. Gum recession exposes the tooth roots, making them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity.

·        Infections: Piercing procedures, if not performed by a licensed and experienced professional, can introduce bacteria into the mouth, increasing the risk of infection. Infections can cause swelling, pain, and complications that may require medical attention.

·       Swelling and Speech Problem: After getting an oral piercing, it's common to experience swelling, which can temporarily affect speech and make it challenging to eat and drink comfortably.

·       Choking Hazard: Oral jewellery, especially small beads or studs, can become dislodged and pose a choking hazard if accidentally swallowed or aspirated and cause life-threatening situations.

·       Uncontrolled Bleeding: If any blood vessel is damaged in the jewellery insertion procedure, then there can be severe blood loss.

·       Risk of blood-borne diseases: Oral piercing provides or generates a pathway for bacteria to enter, which can lead to diseases like hepatitis.


How to care?

1.      Choose a Professional: Seek out an expert and experienced piercer who follows strict hygiene and safety protocols.

2.      Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth and gums carefully, cleaning of tongue and flossing of teeth should be done regularly and use an alcohol-free, antimicrobial mouthwash to reduce the risk of infection.

3.      Rinse with Saline Solution: Rinse your mouth with a saline solution after eating, drinking, or smoking to reduce the risk of infection.

4.      Avoid Playing with the Jewellery: Resist the temptation to play with or constantly move the jewellery, as this can increase the risk of damage and irritation.

5.      Look out for signs of infection: Be careful for signs of infection, such as increased pain, swelling, pus, or fever. If you suspect an infection, seek immediate medical attention.

6.     Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups to monitor your oral health and discuss any concerns with your dentist.

Dr Pankti Patel, the chief dentist and the cosmetic dentist of the best clinic in Ahmedabad, Teeth Care Centre, always advises her patients to refrain from any activity, that causes them any sort of permanent damage, by giving her honest opinion. Yet, she understands the fact that every person has a right to their self-expression. So, she always provides the best advice related to the patient’s dental well-being.

While oral piercings can be a unique form of self-expression, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks they pose to dental health. If you choose to get an oral piercing, do your research, choose a professional piercer, and prioritize good aftercare to reduce the chances of complications. Ultimately, your smile should reflect your unique style and personality without compromising your dental well-being.



How to fix Black Triangle in Teeth?

A smile is often considered one of the most attractive features a person can have. for many individuals, the presence of black triangles between their teeth can be a source of insecurity and concern. These gaps, often caused by various dental issues, can detract from an otherwise beautiful smile.

What Are Black Triangles?

Black triangles, also known as "open gingival embrasures," are triangular gaps or spaces that can appear between teeth, most commonly at the gumline. These spaces can create a dark void when a person smiles, making the teeth look separated and less aesthetically pleasing. Black triangles can affect both the upper and lower teeth, and they often occur between the front teeth, particularly the front teeth aka incisors.

Causes of Black Triangles:

·      Bone Loss: A decrease in bone density around the teeth can result in gum tissue loss and the development of black triangles.

·      Gum Recession: Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth pulls away, exposing more of the tooth's surface and creating gaps.

·       Tooth Size and Shape: Variations in the size and shape of teeth can also lead to spaces between them.

·       Aging: As we age, natural changes in the gum and bone structure can contribute to the formation of black triangles.

·        Orthodontic Treatment: People who have had orthodontic work may experience black triangles if their treatment led to gaps between teeth or if the gumline is unevenly positioned.

·        Self-Destructive habits: Some people have a habit of constantly putting something pointed like a toothpick in their mouth to remove food debris. Excessively doing that can also create spaces like black triangles. 

How to correct a black triangle?

1.       Porcelain Veneers: Veneers are custom-made, thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front surface of teeth. They can be used to mask black triangles and create a more uniform smile.

2.       Composite Bonding: Dental bonding is a minimally invasive procedure where a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the black triangles to fill the gaps. It can be an excellent option for small to moderate spaces.

3.       Gum Contouring: Sometimes, black triangles are the result of uneven gumlines. Gum contouring, also known as gum reshaping is done to create a more harmonious smile.

4.       Orthodontic Treatment: In cases where tooth misalignment is the primary cause of black triangles, orthodontic treatment such as braces or clear aligners can gradually move the teeth into their proper positions, closing the gaps.

Who can do Black Triangle Correction?

A Professional Cosmetic Dentist, who is experienced and trained in doing aesthetic and cosmetic corrective treatments, can do the Black Triangle Correction procedure. It is a technique-sensitive procedure and should be done with utmost precision and expertise only. At Teeth Care Centre, Dr. Pankti Patel, the chief dentist and the best cosmetic dentist in Ahmedabad, has mastered her skills in all the cosmetic procedures including the black triangle correction.

Black triangle correction is a remarkable advancement in the field of cosmetic dentistry, giving individuals the opportunity to change their smiles and regain their confidence. Whether your black triangles are caused by gum recession, tooth misalignment, or other factors, there is likely a suitable treatment option available to help you achieve the smile you've always desired. Don't let black triangles hold you back from sharing your beautiful smile with the world consult with a dental professional to explore your options and embark on your smile transformation journey.


How do I Stop my Teeth from Grinding?

Do you notice, if you wake up with a jaw discomfort or headaches? Do your teeth sometimes feel sensitive? If yes, then you might be one of the millions of people who grind their teeth, a condition known as bruxism aka Teeth Grinding. Teeth grinding can be a serious issue that affects not only your dental health but also your overall well-being.

What is Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding is the act of clenching or grinding your teeth together, often involuntarily. It can occur during the day (awake bruxism) or at night (sleep bruxism). While occasional teeth grinding might not cause significant harm, chronic and severe bruxism can lead to various dental and health issues.

Causes of Teeth Grinding:

·         Stress and Anxiety: High levels of stress or anxiety are often linked to teeth grinding. It's the body's way of coping with tension.

·         Misaligned Teeth: If your teeth don't align correctly, it can lead to an uneven bite, causing you to grind your teeth to find a more comfortable position.

·         Sleep Disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea and snoring can increase the likelihood of teeth grinding.

·         Alcohol and Substance Use: Excessive alcohol or drug use can intensify bruxism.

·         Medications: Some medications, particularly antidepressants and stimulants, can trigger teeth grinding as a side effect.

·         Medical Conditions: Bruxism can be associated with medical conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and Parkinson's disease.

Symptoms of Teeth Grinding:

1)      Audible Grinding: Some individuals may be alerted to their bruxism by a grinding or clenching sound during sleep.

2)      Morning Jaw Pain: Waking up with jaw discomfort or pain is a common symptom of bruxism.

3)      Tooth Sensitivity: Worn enamel can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, especially to hot or cold temperatures.

4)      Damaged Teeth: Over time, bruxism can cause flattened, chipped, or fractured teeth.

5)      Headaches and Earaches: Frequent grinding can result in headaches, earaches, and facial pain.

6)      Disrupted Sleep: Sleep bruxism can disrupt your sleep, leading to fatigue during the day.

Diagnosis of Teeth Grinding:

If you suspect you have bruxism, it's important to consult with a dentist for a proper diagnosis. Diagnosis typically involves:

·         Clinical Examination: Your dentist will examine your teeth and oral tissues for signs of bruxism, such as tooth wear and damage.

·         Patient History: Discussing your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors can help determine potential causes.

·         Sleep Study: For sleep bruxism, a sleep study (polysomnography) may be recommended to monitor your sleep patterns and assess bruxism activity.

Management of Bruxism:

·         Mouthguards: Dentists can create custom-fitted mouthguards or nightguards to protect teeth from grinding during sleep.

·         Stress Management: Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help reduce the effects of stress-related bruxism.

·         Medication: In some cases, muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety medications, or Botox injections may be prescribed to reduce muscle tension.

·         Orthodontic Treatment: Correcting misaligned teeth or bite issues may be necessary to alleviate grinding caused by dental problems.

·         Lifestyle Changes: Reducing alcohol and caffeine intake, especially before bedtime, can help reduce the risk of bruxism. Avoiding chewing on non-food items is also advisable.

·         Regular Dental Check-ups: Routine dental visits allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your teeth and jaw, making early intervention possible.


Teeth grinding, is a prevalent dental issue that can have significant consequences if left untreated. By understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options, individuals can take some steps to manage the condition. At Teeth Care Centre, Dr. Pankti Patel, the chief dentist and the expert in Oral Diagnosis, will do your complete oral evaluation and then guide you according to your symptoms, and the best suggestive treatment required. With the right approach, you can protect your dental health and enjoy a more comfortable, pain-free life. If you suspect you are grinding your teeth, don't hesitate to seek professional guidance from a professional dentist.