making smile incredible

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are titanium screws surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gums. Acting as artificial tooth roots, they provide a sturdy foundation for the replacement of teeth or bridges. These implants fuse with the jawbone over time, creating a stable base for artificial teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, which sit on the gum line or are anchored to adjacent teeth, implants integrate with the jawbone, providing stability and mimicking the natural tooth structure.


The procedure:

1.       Consultation: The dental professional will do a thorough clinical evaluation along with some 3D x-rays like CBCT, to find if you are an ideal candidate for implant or not, and will further do the implant placement planning accordingly.

2.       Implant Placement: Under local anesthesia dental implant is placed in the jaw bone.

3.       Healing Phase: After the surgical implant placement in the jaw bone, approx. 4 to 6 months of healing period is required for the osteointegration process of the implant with the bone.

4.       Prosthesis: After the implant is completely healed inside the jaw bone, a prosthesis like crown, bridge or implant-supported denture is restored on implants along with abutments, as per requirement.


1.       Improved oral function.

2.       Natural Appearance.

3.       Preserved Jaw Bone.

4.       High Success Rate.

5.       Cost Effective in Long Term.

6.       Long Lasting.

7.       Adjacent teeth are not damaged.

8.       Comfort.

9.       Stability.

10.   Improved speech functions.

11.   Boosted Confidence.

Factors which affect implant candidacy are:

1.       Sufficient jaw bone

2.       Absence of gum disease

3.       Good oral hygiene

How to take care of an implant?

1.      Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing teeth 2 times a day.

2.      Visit your dentist regularly.

3.     Avoid habits like smoking, tobacco intake, and alcohol consumption, which can hamper the healing process.

Dental Implants are a ground-breaking solution for the replacement of missing teeth. TeethCare Centre, the best teeth implant clinic in Ahmedabad uses the latest technology and robotic guidance for placement of dental implants, which results in precise implant placement and faster healing.