making smile incredible

Are teeth alignment only important for esthetic purpose ?


No, clinical evaluation of some factors would bring out the real necessity of teeth alignment.

Surpassing those advantages listed such as:

·         Better digestion-  Chewing is the foremost important step for digestion. Malalignment of teeth causes improper chewing which results in improper digestion and ultimately your body gets less nutrition.

·         Clean and healthy teeth-  Overcrowded teeth form a nida for clogged food particles and attraction of microorganisms. In the end maintenance of hygiene becomes an issue.

·         Improved and clear speech – Good aligned teeth play a major role in speech function, protruding or spaced teeth result in slurred speech which can lower self-confidence.

·        TMJ pain and headache-  Due to malalignment, the teeth are unable to give desire  bite registration which affects directly the temporomandibular joint. This pain also radiates to the head causing mild to moderate migraine headaches.

·         Less chances of wear and tear- Properly aligned teeth would exert less stress on the teeth which will timely reflect on how worn they can get due to malalignment.

·         Fewer cracks, breaks, and chips -  Due to uncontrolled forces, a portion of enamel can chip off or break from the tooth or the tooth might be diagnosed with a crack in it.

·         Increased self-confidence - Perfectly aligned teeth will create an attractive appearance that can have a good impact on others, presumably it will boost one’s self-confidence.

How to get a solution to this mostly common issue of malalignment :

So, the emerging era of Invisalign aligners has shown drastic results for the treatment of malalignment of teeth. These are basically removable, transparent orthodontic devices that move your teeth into their ideal position.

Teeth Care Centre is the pioneer and the best provider of Invisalign aligners in Ahmedabad. Dr. Nirav Patel, the best orthodontist in Ahmedabad provides the best clear aligner treatment.