making smile incredible

Oral Submucous Fibrosis

Oral submucous fibrosis is a chronic, insidious, disabling disease involving oral mucosa, the oropharynx, and rarely, the larynx. It is exclusively reported in Indian population.

The disease is characterised by blainching and stiffness of the oral mucosa, trismus, burning sensation in the mouth, hypomobility of the soft palate and tongue, loss of gustatory sensation, and occasionally, mild hearing loss due to blockage of Eustachian tube.

A variety of aetiological factors including capsaicin, betal nut alkaloids, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, genetic and malnutrition.

The disease can be classified clinically into two phases (1) An eruptive phase, characterised by formation of erythema, vesicles, ulceration and a burning sensation in the mouth. (2) The fibrosis induction phase, characterised by the disappearance of the vesicles and healing of the ulcers by fibrosis. The burning sensation decreases and blanching and stiffness of the oral and oropharyngeal mucosa occur.

complications include oral cancer

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TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Laser Dentistry...

With the advancements in the field of dentistry, laser dentistry is being recognised and adopted by many cosmetic dentists. These new techniques are being appreciated and many patients are going in for laser treatment.

The laser technology is a sophisticated technology which is being used to treat dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay.

The thought of visiting the dentist to get a cavity filled or for root canal has always been associated with tension. But with new technologies, people no longer fear dental care as it is less painful. Cosmetic dentists are able to treat patients successfully. The results are also positive. Laser dentistry is being adopted for dental treatments like teeth whitening. Under the latest techniques of laser treatment, the patient is not anaesthetised for minor dental treatments. The patient also does not experience any major pain at the time of the treatment.

Some of the major benefits of laser dentistry are that patients do not experience soreness or tenderness of gums or teeth. The laser technology is hi- tech and sophisticated, so there is a lesser chance of bacterial infections. The healing is much quicker and there is faster regeneration of tissues.

TCC is equipped with lasers.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad

Bad Breath Solution to Avoid Being Offended

Causes of bad breath:
>Smoking- excessive smoking can lead to bad breath; the tar nicotine found in cigarettes sticks to the smoker's teeth, creating a yellowish color in the teeth and bad odor in the mouth.

>Lack of brushing- these is the usual case of bad breath; brushing every after meal is important to remove the bacteria left in the mouth and teeth.

>Tooth decay- tooth decay occurs when the teeth is not cleaned properly; bacteria are left in the mouth to reproduce freely. If left untreated, it may lead to dental diseases halitosis and gingivitis, and you may need to see a specialist dentist to treat the problem.

>Excessive eating of sweet foods- Sweet foods are the number one enemy of the teeth especially if the sugar stays in the mouth for a long time. It creates a breeding ground for bacteria to grow easily and cause toothache, tooth decay and other oral diseases.


-Quit smoking to avoid bad breath and other dental diseases.
-Brush your teeth daily especially for adults to avoid denture and other dental problems.
-If you are going to eat sweet foods, make sure to drink a lot of water and clean your teeth before going to bed to prevent tooth decay and bad breath.
-If you feel that you already have dental and oral diseases, consult to a specialist dentist for advice and remedies.
-Have a good and healthy dental hygiene to prevent bad breath. There are a lot of tips and steps on the net that can guide you how to have a good dental hygiene.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad